Saturday 7 December 2013

Self Introduction and Study Method

Why this blog
I have always wanted to create a blog about my journey through the o levels but i didnt have the time or energy to do it. To fulfil this wish of mine, i decided to make use of this holiday^^

Hmm, i wanted to create this blog to share my experience throughout this 2 years journey. At the start of sec 3, i honestly did not know what to expect of my life. I knew it would be tough, but how tough exactly can it be? I tried to search for blogs, hoping that i could get an insight to this brand new experience but sadly i found none. So i decided that i would write one myself, so that the next batch of students will be prepared.

Self Introduction
I am 16 years old. I come from a fairly good school (not a top school). My PSLE score is 243. My prelim's L1R5 is 10 points. I am still waiting for my o level results which will be out next year.

There will be a total of 10 blog entries to summarise this journey. I will share my study tips and opinions about some study methods but they are just advice.

Everyone has their own special and comfortable way of studying so do not take the advice wholeheartedly. I found my own method by trying out different methods of revision, some sucked and some worked marvelously. When i mean sucked, i mean i studied for the subject and just managed a decent pass during the exams (the paper honestly wasnt difficult) Yes, some study methods just dont work out right. So the most important thing you should get right is your study method, this is one of the major factors that you should be aware of.

That's all for this post! The next few posts will be about subject combinations, individual subjects and tuition classes~ till then:)

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